Until I started working at my current restaurant, I had a very pedestrian taste for beer. This place is starting to open my eyes up to a world where I can look at a fine beer like a fine wine. My most recent indulgence was from the Ommegang Brewery in New York: Three Philosophers.
Three Philosophers is an Abbey ale crafted in the style of the Belgian monks. In the Trappist style, the ales are classified from Single, Dubbel, Trippel, and Quadrupel. This beer is a Quadrupel meaning it has the highest alcohol content and the darkest hue. It's full bodied with a rich malty palate. What distinguishes this beer from the rest is that there is 2% cherry lambic which gives it a sweet cherry afternote on the finish.
Appearance: Deep dark cherry color with a gorgeous cotton-like head.
Smell: Ripe cherries, some chocolate, caramel, and clove.
Taste: Fruity hops, not bitter at all. malty at the start with a sweet finish. Cherry definitely lingers in the aftertaste.
Mouthfeel: Coats your tongue and lingers. Creamy and definitely full bodied. Carbonation dances perfectly around your palate.
Drinkability: Very. Something to enjoy with sharp cheeses, dessert, or by itself on a cool evening.
The ABV is 9.8% so drink slowly so you don't get wasted too fast, although the body will definitely help you drink slowly. Definitely something to enjoy before the weather warms up too much. Don't feel like it's a great summer beer.
Bottoms up.
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