Well hot damn, it's been cold as shit lately. One of the first things I think about when it gets like this is: Wouldn't it be awesome to have a toddy right now?
One of the most loosely defined drinks ever, the Hot Toddy was originally invented in Scotland sometime in the 1700's to help make alcohol a little bit more palatable for women. Apparently, women back then are NOT like the women I know today. While toddies can be made from tea, cider, rum, bourbon, brandy, coffee or syrup (and I'm sure more), the most well-known and accepted form is made with Bourbon, hot water, lemon, and honey.
Maybe it's the Irishman in me, but anytime I'm sick with a sore throat, a Toddy seems like the perfect choice. I, personally, like to tweek it JUST a touch.
Rather than Bourbon, I use Jameson. Probably the only time I'll ever put anything in Jameson that isn't ice. While the drink is Scottish, the Irish Catholic inside me believes that Jameson can cure any ailment. I also prefer to use chamomile tea instead of just plain hot water. If you're gonna water the drink down, might as well add some lovely herbal flavor to it. A cinnamon stick to swirl is also fantastic and adds a great flavor. Pull it out after a while though or you'll be drinking ground cinnamon and it's not at all pleasant.
A lot of bartenders also like to stick some clove in the lemons to give it that extra spice. I find it mildly unnecessary while it really does heighten the flavor.
Now, while these Toddies are delicious, refreshing, soothing, and incredibly warming and make you feel all fuzzy and lovely inside, BEWARE!! Order this drink at a bar, and you'll either get a "hell no," a "really?!" or an "Of course!" while the bartender is secretly loathing you for putting them into the weeds. I usually only order it when the bar is incredibly slow and I know the bartender so I can apologize and give them love. Best to just make it at home.
Do what I do: Make the Toddy, sit in your Snuggie (or blanket of choice) and enjoy a peaceful night at home.
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